
THE ART OF INSIGHT - Online Learning Experience

The Art of Insight

Welcome to TAOI Online Learning. As a purchaser or potential purchaser of The Art of Insight, you are eligible to take the free online learning course. Please enter your name and email address to start the course.

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// <![CDATA[ (function() { var $; $ = jQuery; $(function() { var field_error, is_email, is_int, is_numeric, is_string, log, taoi, taoi_email, taoi_first_name, taoi_last_name, taoi_save, validate_field; log = function(m) { return typeof console !== "undefined" && console !== null ? typeof console.log === "function" ? console.log(m) : void 0 : void 0; }; is_string = function(v) { var rgx; rgx = /^[a-zA-Z0-9\s.\-\@\!\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\+\=\{\[\}\]\|\_\`\~\;\:\'\"\,\.\/\<\>\?\\]+$/; return rgx.test(v); }; is_email = function(v) { var rgx; rgx = /^([\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+\.)*[\w\!\#$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`{\|\}\~]+@((((([a-z0-9]{1}[a-z0-9\-]{0,62}[a-z0-9]{1})|[a-z])\.)+[a-z]{2,6})|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(\:\d{1,5})?)$/i; return rgx.test(v); }; is_int = function(v) { var rgx; rgx = /(^-?\d\d*$)/; return rgx.test(v); }; is_numeric = function(v) { var rgx; rgx = /(^-?\d\d*\.\d*$)|(^-?\d\d*$)|(^-?\.\d\d*$)/; return rgx.test(v); }; validate_field = function(obj) { var ret, val, vtype; vtype = obj.data('validation-type'); val = $.trim(obj.val()); log("Validating " + obj + " with value " + val); ret = false; if (vtype === 'string') { ret = is_string(val); } else if (vtype === 'email') { ret = is_email(val); } else if (vtype === 'int') { ret = is_int(val); } else if (vtype === 'numeric') { ret = is_numeric(val); } else { ret = true; } field_error(obj, ret); return ret; }; field_error = function(obj, valid) { if (valid) { obj.removeClass('error'); obj.parent().find('.error_msg').hide(); obj.addClass('valid'); } else { obj.removeClass('valid'); obj.addClass('error'); obj.parent().find('.error_msg').show(); } return obj; }; taoi_save = ($('#taoi_save')).button(); taoi_first_name = ($('#taoi_first_name')).trigger('focus').change(function() { if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "change") { return validate_field($(this)); } }).blur(function() { if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "blur") { return validate_field($(this)); } }).focus(function() { log(($(this)).data('validation-event')); if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "focus") { return validate_field($(this)); } }); taoi_last_name = ($('#taoi_last_name')).change(function() { if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "change") { return validate_field($(this)); } }).blur(function() { if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "blur") { return validate_field($(this)); } }).focus(function() { log(($(this)).data('validation-event')); if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "focus") { return validate_field($(this)); } }); taoi_email = ($('#taoi_email')).change(function() { if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "change") { return validate_field($(this)); } }).blur(function() { if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "blur") { return validate_field($(this)); } }).focus(function() { log(($(this)).data('validation-event')); if (($(this)).data('validation-event') === "focus") { return validate_field($(this)); } }); return taoi = ($('#taoi')).submit(function(e) { var em, fn, ln, ret; ret = true; fn = validate_field(taoi_first_name); ln = validate_field(taoi_last_name); em = validate_field(taoi_email); if (fn && ln && em) { ret = true; } else { e.preventDefault(); ret = false; } return ret; }); }); }).call(this); // ]]>