Search Results: "how to be an inclusive leader" Results 85-90 of 732
This sixth edition of the number one bestselling employee retention book in the world (over 800,000 copies sold) puts a new emphasis on diversity and inclusion but keeps the same appealing format: twenty-six simple strategies from A to Z.

Despite booms and busts, technology advances, talent wars, layoffs, and even a global pandemic, people want what they've always wanted. Employees want—and now expect—meaningful work, supportive bosses, regular recognition, and a chance to learn and grow. And managers want their amazing people to stay—for at least a little while longer. For two decades, this Wall Street Journal bestseller—over 800,000 sold—has offered twenty-six simple strategies, from A to Z, that managers can use to address their employees' real concerns and keep them engaged.

The authors have gone over every word of the previous edition, revising, updating, and streamlining. This edition includes a timely focus on diversity and inclusion in every chapter. For example, chapter 6 focuses on family. Different cultures view family responsibilities differently, so the authors address how to take that into consideration when a treasured employee asks for extended leave to care for a grandparent. And a new section called “Conversations That Count” offers discussion questions for sparking deeper conversation around the topics in the book.

This new edition will ensure that
Love 'Em or Lose 'Em will continue to help managers all over the world create a supportive workplace culture so they can fight burnout and keep the people they can least afford to lose.

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Frustrated that change efforts you're leading take too long, are too difficult, or are too often ineffective? Discover eight powerful ways to make any change work faster, easier, and better—whether done by C-suite leaders or frontline workers.

Organizations suffer from change fatigue. People are impatient and exhausted. They feel like too many initiatives are imposed from above or outside. They don't have time for more change and often don't even see the point in it. Wouldn't it be great if there were a systematic way to achieve your desired results in less time with fewer problems and more success? There is. It's called Leverage Change.

These problems and more are resolved by what change expert Robert “Jake” Jacobs calls Levers: smart, strategic actions that create huge leverage and impact. Whether you have an existing change effort that could be turbocharged or you're launching one that's new, the Levers can help. Apply a Lever—even without a formal program—and your organization will experience positive changes. These powerful Levers, which can be used alone or in any combination that works for you, are straightforward and easy to apply:

• Pay Attention to Continuity • Think and Act As If the Future Were Now! • Design It Yourself • Create a Common Database • Start with Impact, Follow the Energy • Develop a Future People Want to Call Their Own • Find Opportunities for People to Make a Meaningful Difference • Make Change-Work Part of Daily-Work

Drawing on thirty-five years of experience, Jacobs includes dozens of stories of the Levers in action with all kinds of organizations, teams, and individuals. He also provides specific directions on how you can apply them to your change work. Use the Levers, and improve your change work more than you ever imagined possible.

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In conjunction with the Third Edition, we offer an online version of the self-assessment test referenced in the book.

THE COURAGEOUS FOLLOWER ASSESSMENT: Evaluating Your Own Followership Style
and Growth Path

In conjunction with the Third Edition of The Courageous Follower , Berrett-Koehler is pleased to offer an online version of the self-assessment test referenced in the book. Author Ira Chaleff has extensively field tested this self-assessment with live groups in his consulting practice.

The Courageous Follower Self-Assessment Graphic

Many instruments have been designed to capture and reflect leadership styles. Few exist to serve the same purpose for followership styles. Understandably, then, few individuals have ever thought about their own followership style let alone how to grow in this role that everyone plays at least some of the time. Yet understanding our style and growth direction can be critical for our professional development and satisfaction in our work relationships.

Based on your responses, this self-assessment will provide you with language and descriptions about your follower style. It will display these visually and provide you with guidance about growth directions that you might choose to pursue. You may be interested in this assessment in preparation for a courageous follower workshop or simply to satisfy your own curiosity and desire for improvement.

Product: Online streamed application (not downloaded), limited one-year subscription (5 tests or 12 months, whichever comes first), password controlled

Duration: 20 questions, takes an average of 12 minutes to answer

Results: Visual four-quadrant graphic with plotted individual results; includes interpretation from author, growth path, and frequently asked questions, print option

PURCHASER AND USER NOTE : If you are an individual consumer newly purchasing the assessment, go directly to the shopping cart by clicking the "add to cart" icon to your left. If you are a member of an organization that has purchased a bulk order, or if you already bought the assessment in the last 12 months and are retaking it now using the original Access Key to retake the assessment please log in here . New registrants: Please enter your "Access Key" into the input field to enter the self-assessment for the first time. A note to frequent purchasers: You cannot use your current password for this product; you must create and use a new password. For any questions, please contact the support desk at 800-929-2929 (8 am-9 pm Eastern U.S. time, Monday through Friday), or [email protected]. Thank you.

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This is the first book to define and explore Black fatigue, the intergenerational impact of systemic racism on the physical and psychological health of Black people—and explain why and how society needs to collectively do more to combat its pernicious effects.

Black people, young and old, are fatigued, says award-winning diversity and inclusion leader Mary-Frances Winters. It is physically, mentally, and emotionally draining to continue to experience inequities and even atrocities, day after day, when justice is a God-given and legislated right. And it is exhausting to have to constantly explain this to white people, even—and especially—well-meaning white people, who fall prey to white fragility and too often are unwittingly complicit in upholding the very systems they say they want dismantled.

This book, designed to illuminate the myriad dire consequences of “living while Black,” came at the urging of Winters's Black friends and colleagues. Winters describes how in every aspect of life—from economics to education, work, criminal justice, and, very importantly, health outcomes—for the most part, the trajectory for Black people is not improving. It is paradoxical that, with all the attention focused over the last fifty years on social justice and diversity and inclusion, little progress has been made in actualizing the vision of an equitable society.

Black people are quite literally sick
and tired of being sick and tired. Winters writes that “my hope for this book is that it will provide a comprehensive summary of the consequences of Black fatigue, and awaken activism in those who care about equity and justice—those who care that intergenerational fatigue is tearing at the very core of a whole race of people who are simply asking for what they deserve.” 

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Offers a new approach for moving apathetic employees from passive compliance to active engagement

In this inspiring leadership fable, Stahl-Wert and Jennings draw on their years of experience as consultants and chief executives, as well as on findings from Gallup's ground-breaking Q-12 survey, to lay out an leadership model that will turn employees from dutiful drones to committed contributors. ""Ten Thousand Horses"" is the story of Matt James, a top-performing sa lesman who is promoted to head his division, an entirely different job than the one he was good at. His workers don't respond to his efforts to lead them, and soon he's on the brink of being fired. In desperation, he reaches out to his old, unorthodox mentor, David Butler , who now works with wiild mustang horses. More than simply a leadership fable, ""Ten Thousand Horses"" is a story of personal transformation. Beyond specific practices and techniques, Matt must learn a whole new way of relating to his employees, because, as he discovers, leading an engaged workforce is as much about who you are as what you do.
  • Offers a new approach for moving apathetic employees from passive compliance to active engagement
  • Told in an entertaining, page-turning fable format
  • Draws on findings from an authoritative Gallup study of 4 million workers from 360,000 workgroups

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This essential playbook shows how companies can scale success by coupling digital strategies with an investment in the health of their organizations and the people within.

To scale and grow, a company must get the organizational elements right. That begins with having the right strategy, the right leadership to drive it, and the right talent, culture, and organizational design to realize a company's potential. This is especially true in the AI era, where a company's most valuable assets are its people.

To begin with, leaders must rethink their value creation strategies. To hone their organizational edge, leaders must prioritize their organization's health in seven vital areas: strategic direction, culture, leadership, talent, organizational design, EID (equity, inclusion, and diversity), and well-being. No matter what type or size of business, those essential conditions must be leveraged for increased value and growth. Put simply: organizational matters matter. To hone their digital edge, leaders must understand AI, as advances in technology allow leaders to build organizations that can compete and win in the future. Finally, an investor mindset will enable leaders to invest wisely in the technology (and leverage that tech) that sets their organizations apart.

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