Jewels of the Heart

Hiam Gosaynie

Publication date: 10/22/2012

Jewels of the Heart

Jewels of the Heart by Hiam Gosaynie is a book of poems that describes myriad feelings and life experiences that every heart has inevitably been through in some form. These experiences both enrich and change us as we wade waist-deep into the unpredictable waves of love; wonder about the universe; deal with illness, aging parents, and death; gamely plot our course in the labyrinth of life; and finally seek peace, solace and spiritual renewal as well as healing when we face our most terrifying fears. We triumphantly emerge bruised but wiser and stronger on the other side: these are the œjewels of every heart.


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Paperback - $15.95 - Members: $14.36
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Book Details

Jewels of the Heart by Hiam Gosaynie is a book of poems that describes myriad feelings and life experiences that every heart has inevitably been through in some form. These experiences both enrich and change us as we wade waist-deep into the unpredictable waves of love; wonder about the universe; deal with illness, aging parents, and death; gamely plot our course in the labyrinth of life; and finally seek peace, solace and spiritual renewal as well as healing when we face our most terrifying fears. We triumphantly emerge bruised but wiser and stronger on the other side: these are the œjewels of every heart.

About the Author

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