Search Results: "Seeing Red Cars" Results 31-36 of 247
This book traces the development of project leadership as fundamental to completing projects effectively, delineates the leadership tasks that must be accomplished at each step of a project's life, and helps the reader develop wisdom in making decisions both by learning the ramifications of certain decisions and by seeing how those decisions are made in an example project.

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Beholden to accepted assumptions about people and organizations, too many enterprises waste human potential. Robert Quinn shows how to defy convention and create organizations where people feel fully engaged and continually rewarded, where both individually and collectively they flourish and exceed expectations.

The problem is that leaders are following a negative and constraining “mental map” that insists organizations must be rigid, top-down hierarchies and that the people in them are driven mainly by self-interest and fear. But leaders can adopt a different mental map, one where organizations are networks of fluid, evolving relationships and where people are motivated by a desire to grow, learn, and serve a larger goal. Using dozens of memorable stories, Quinn describes specific actions leaders can take to facilitate the emergence of this organizational culture—helping people gain a sense of purpose, engage in authentic conversations, see new possibilities, and sacrifice for the common good.

The book includes the Positive Organization Generator, a tool that provides 100 real-life practices from positive organizations and helps you reinvent them to fit your specific needs. With the POG you can identify and implement the practices that will have the greatest impact on your organization.

At its heart, the book helps leaders to see new possibilities that lie within the acknowledged realities of organizational life. It provides five keys for learning to be "bilingual"--speaking the conventional language of business as well as the language of the positive organization.  When leaders can do this, they are able to make real and lasting change.

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"We are all capable of producing more than we typically do. The very nature of our relationships undermines individual and organizational effectiveness." With this uncompromising statement, author Carl Zaiss takes us on an inspiring journey that opens the door to unprecedented levels of individual and organizational performance.

Written for today's complex business arena and rapidly changing world, True Partnership - Revolutionary Thinking About Relating To Others, presents an in-depth look at this mind-altering new perspective for moving beyond the issues and constraints we all face as individuals and groups. It provides a provocative and spellbinding look at how what we take for granted actually sabotages our efforts at improving our own effectiveness and the productivity of the businesses, institutions, and organizations to which we belong.

True Partnership exposes the personal, organizational, and social costs of "the drift." The instinctive and taken-for-granted way of relating limits our effectiveness. The book exposes the four mistaken beliefs that form the drift and keep us from building productive relationships: seeing ourselves as separate and autonomous, relating to others through power and control, having an either/or mentality, and seeing the world as fixed and predetermined. Without distinguishing these four characteristics of the drift, they become our blind spot and sabotage any attempt at improving our effectiveness.

One of the common strategies for improving our ability to live and work together is to build a partnership. It refers to a relationship between people with an emphasis on teamwork and collaboration. Yet, most of what we call partnership is not and most partnerships do not access what is really possible. Due to the drift - the underlying nature of our relationships - our partnerships are often superficial and cosmetic.

True Partnership presents a new perspective, a new context, for our relationships generated by a fundamental shift in the way we, as individuals see the world. True partnership is a state of mind, not a type of relationship. It is a framework of relating to others that has an impact on each and every interaction. The four principles of true partnership include: seeing ourselves as interdependent parts of the whole, connecting to others through communication, operating from a both/and mentality, and relating to our world as observer-created.

True Partnership provides access to highly effective relationships and extraordinary levels of performance. This book challenges people to rethink their basic assumptions and adopt a revolutionary new mindset about their relationships and how they go about producing results at work and at home.

True Partnership is a powerful tool for anyone concerned about improving individual and organizational excellence.

  • Shows how, by focusing on the quality of our relationships with people rather than trying to manipulate them into serving our purposes, we can actually achieve more of our goals.
  • Exposes the limitations of traditional performance improvement strategies.
  • Offers a deeper understanding of the often used but seldom understood term "partnership".
  • Provides a wealth of examples and real-life stories showing how this new framework has provided people with extraordinary levels of satisfaction and accomplishment.

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Iteration rules product development, but it isn't enough to produce dramatic results. This book champions Radical Product Thinking, a systematic methodology for building visionary, game-changing products.
Iteration rules product development, but it isn't enough to produce dramatic results. This book champions Radical Product Thinking, a systematic methodology for building visionary, game-changing products.

In the last decade, we've learned to harness the power of iteration to innovate faster-we've invested in a fast car, but our ability to set a clear destination and navigate to it hasn't kept up.

When we iterate without a clear vision or strategy, our products become bloated, fragmented, and driven by irrelevant metrics. They catch “product diseases” that often kill innovation.

Radical Product Thinking (RPT) gives organizations a repeatable model for building world-changing products. The key? Being vision-driven instead of iteration-led. R. Dutt guides readers through the five elements of the methodology (vision, strategy, prioritization, execution and measurement, and culture) to develop a clear process for translating vision into reality, and turning RPT skills into muscle memory.

This book offers refreshing solutions to the shortcomings of our current model for product development; be prepared to toss out everything you know about a good vision and learn how to measure progress to create revolutionary products. The best part? You don't have to be a natural-born visionary to produce extraordinary results.

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If you were a mouse trapped in a maze and someone kept moving the cheese, what would you do? In a world where most mice dutifully accept their circumstances, ask no questions, and keep chasing the cheese, Deepak Malhotra tells an inspiring story about three unique and adventurous mice—Max, Big, and Zed—who refuse to accept their reality as given.

I Moved Your Cheese reveals what is possible when we finally discard long-held and widely accepted assumptions about how we should live our lives. After all, achieving extraordinary success, personal or professional, has always depended on the ability to challenge assumptions, reshape the environment, and play by a different set of rules—our own. But rejecting deeply ingrained beliefs is not easy. As Zed explains, “You see, Max, the problem is not that the mouse is in the maze, but that the maze is in the mouse.”
  • The first serious challenge to the iconic bestseller Who Moved My Cheese?
  • A thoughtful critique written by a Harvard Business School professor and bestselling author
  • Uses the same playful and highly accessible fable format to encourage readers to examine their deeply held assumptions and to take control of their own destinies
  • Click here for Press Release

With more than twenty-five million copies in print, Who Moved My Cheese? has become a phenomenon. It does offer some reasonable advice about adapting to change. Its certainly true that some of the events shaping our lives are beyond our control, and instead of struggling against them we must adapt and move on. But for all its good intentions, it ultimately advises us to unquestioningly accept our circumstances without exploring any possible alternativeslike mice in a maze mindlessly chasing after cheese.

I Moved Your Cheese takes a different point of view and offers an alternative approach. Harvard Business School professor and bestselling author Deepak Malhotra tells an inspiring story about a new generation of mice who begin to challenge assumptions and ask important questions. Rather than just accepting their situation and dutifully chasing the cheese, Max, Zed, and Big begin looking deeper, examining and reassessing what theyve been told are their limitations, and set out to chart a new course.

Innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, problem solving, and business growth as well as personal growth depend on the ability to challenge accepted notions, reshape the environment, and play by a different set of rules: our own. We are not powerless to change our circumstances. We can control our destiny. By ana- lyzing our assumptions about the limitations we seem to face, we can, like Max, Zed, and Big, discover how to overcome them. But first we need to understand the ways we unknowingly hold ourselves back. As Zed explains to Max, The problem is not that the mouse is in the maze but that the maze is in the mouse.


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They Just Don't Get It! explores an all-too-common dilemma: when people around us just don't "get" our ideas. Through a charming illustrated fable, it tells the story of Julie Buffet, a hard-charging advertising executive with what she thinks is a fantastic idea for a new campaign. But nobody gets it-not the client, not her boss, and not her coworkers. And Julie can't understand why. We have all found ourselves in this situation at one time or another, and we typically see this problem as a failing on the part of the other party. They Just Don't Get It! shows that when they don't get it, the problem is really with ourselves. And it shows how we can finally really get it. If you've ever wondered why your ideas haven't been received or acted on in the way you expected, this book will reveal your own personal responsibility in helping others understand your intentions. Examining the root source of the problem, it details five keys to "getting it"-Take Responsibility; Practice Humility; Begin with Questions; Remain Open; and Believe They Can. These five simple steps will enable you to overcome the problem, and prevent it from happening in the future. They Just Don't Get It! will teach you how to communicate your ideas better, and how to motivate others to pull together and achieve your highest goals in any situation.They Just Don't Get It! explores an all-too-common dilemma: when people around us just don't "get" our ideas. Through a charming illustrated fable, it tells the story of Julie Buffet, a hard-charging advertising executive with what she thinks is a fantastic idea for a new campaign. But nobody gets it-not the client, not her boss, and not her coworkers. And Julie can't understand why. We have all found ourselves in this situation at one time or another, and we typically see this problem as a failing on the part of the other party. They Just Don't Get It! shows that when they don't get it, the problem is really with ourselves. And it shows how we can finally really get it. If you've ever wondered why your ideas haven't been received or acted on in the way you expected, this book will reveal your own personal responsibility in helping others understand your intentions. Examining the root source of the problem, it details five keys to "getting it"-Take Responsibility; Practice Humility; Begin with Questions; Remain Open; and Believe They Can. These five simple steps will enable you to overcome the problem, and prevent it from happening in the future. They Just Don't Get It! will teach you how to communicate your ideas better, and how to motivate others to pull together and achieve your highest goals in any situation.
  • Addresses a universal experience and offers a positive solution in an easy-to-read illustrated fable format
  • Details five keys for ensuring that everyone "gets it"
  • By the coauthor of the bestselling Beans! and 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work (more than 75,000 copies sold)
  • Find out more at

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